16 The day is already commenced which is to bind us indissolubly; and when we are once united, there shall be no recurrence of mental terrors: I guarantee that.
17 If it has decided to build a stockpile of nuclear weapons as the best guarantee of its security, then a more dangerous confrontation will be unavoidable.
18 "An early summer onset is clearly no guarantee of a barbeque summer," the scientists say.
19 A hypodermic needle and an air bubble can kill, but can you guarantee that kind of placement?
20 Just five years earlier, Carter and I had helped arrange the federal loan guarantee that saved Chrysler from bankruptcy.
21 These additional guarantees do not affect your statutory rights.
22 Walter argues that the Convention guarantees compensation whenever a citizen is deprived of property.
23 They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty.
24 The US and its allies this week formally offered security guarantees to the north as the first step towards a settlement.
25 This kind of remark is guaranteed to light the blue touch paper with some Labour politicians.
26 Cheques can only be accepted up to the value guaranteed on the card.
27 Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause anxiety.
28 They insisted that a guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts.
29 We are, indeed, a nation of the law, and every citizen is guaranteed certain minimum rights.
30 In a world that's changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.