1 Also, he bestowed upon a lady of pleasant exterior who, escorted by a footman laden with a bundle, happened to be passing along a wooden sidewalk a prolonged stare.
2 Did the discourse turn upon horse-breeding, upon horse-breeding he happened to be peculiarly well-qualified to speak.
3 In fact, but for the circumstance that the travellers happened to encounter a couple of peasants, they would have come on their errand in vain.
4 At the same moment the cuff of one of his sleeves happened to dislodge another chessman from its position.
5 In fact, God only knows what would have happened had not the fates been pleased by a miracle to deliver Chichikov's elegant back and shoulders from the onslaught.
6 Approaching the first desk which he happened to encounter, Chichikov inquired of the two young officials who were seated at it whether they would kindly tell him where business relating to serf-indenture was transacted.
7 You have happened upon us by chance, and you shall have no reason to repent of it.
8 Just as he was about to replace them in his master's room he happened to glance over the railing of the gallery, and saw Selifan returning from the stable.
9 And when that happened he would reverently acknowledge the immensity of the mercy of Providence, gratefully tender thanksgiving for the same, and betake himself again to his irregular mode of existence.
10 It happened that just at that time the Prince had several other important affairs on hand, and affairs of a very unpleasant nature.
11 His brother happened about the same time to be made an officer in the Guards.
12 Nothing happened,' answered Arkady; 'we were rather slow.
13 He had once happened three years before to stay a night at an inn in a remote district town.
14 I remember, it happened to be The Gipsies.
15 When this happened to her, she did not very quickly come out again; her face even assumed at such times an obstinate, almost stupid expression.