1 And most of them are harmful, especially the women.
2 He will not hinder anything useful nor allow anything harmful.
3 You can understand that there are reasons for this and that I could not have exiled the Postmaster had he not been a harmful person.
4 It was impossible to take bread and clothes from our hungry and indispensable soldiers to give to the French who, though not harmful, or hated, or guilty, were simply unnecessary.
5 The activity of Alexander or of Napoleon cannot be called useful or harmful, for it is impossible to say for what it was useful or harmful.
6 He looked on this spiritual exercise as a harmful and dangerous abuse of the fancy.
7 "To enter into all the details of your feelings I have no right, and besides, I regard that as useless and even harmful," began Alexey Alexandrovitch.
8 The schools are no good to me, but positively harmful, as I told you.
9 And the fact in itself still seemed harmless enough; only it was a fertile source of harmful complications.
10 I went round, suspecting no harm, and the next thing I knew, this young man here had the bracelets on my wrists, and as neatly snackled as ever I saw in my life.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER VI. A CONTINUATION OF THE REMINISCENCES OF JOHN W... 11 I am quite sure that you can mitigate in no other way the wrong and harm you have done.
12 "A cup of wine will do thee no harm," he added, filling and handing to the swineherd a richer drought than Gurth had ever before tasted.
13 She waited; and he had another try, doing more harm than good.
14 As Mr. Rushworth is to act too, there can be no harm.
15 If he could so command his affections, hers should do her no harm.