1 I don't want you to do anything but be civil to him and help to the pudding.
2 At last he resolved to get into the castle and ask how he could help them.
3 The little girl was sorry for them, and asked an old woman what she should do to help them.
4 "Mine is to stay at home safe with Father and Mother, and help take care of the family," said Beth contentedly.
5 Beth is the best of little creeters, and a sight of help to me, bein so forehanded and dependable.
6 She doesn't look like my Beth, and there's nobody to help us bear it.
7 Keep hoping for the best, that will help you, Jo.
8 It might be unmanly, but he couldn't help it, and I am glad of it.
9 There are a good many hard times in this life of ours, but we can always bear them if we ask help in the right way.
10 Mr. Laurence will help me to some good place, and then, my sweet girl, you will make me happy.
11 You ought to marry well and help your family.
12 I'll be as prim as I can and not get into any scrapes, if I can help it.
13 And away went Meg to help 'that man' in his highly improper employment.
14 Run, Beth, and help Hannah clear half the things off the table.
15 You said, Mother, that criticism would help me.