HIERARCHY in a Sentence

Learn HIERARCHY from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

12 example sentences for HIERARCHY, such as:

1. She believes in heredity and hierarchy.
2. She's high up in the management hierarchy.
3. Some monkeys have a very complex social hierarchy.
4. A new management hierarchy was created within the company.
5. He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.

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 Meanings and Examples of HIERARCHY
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  arrangement by rank or standing; series in which each element is graded or ranked
Classic Sentence:
1  Anna Pavlovna greeted him with the nod she accorded to the lowest hierarchy in her drawing room.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER II
2  Such is the inevitable fate of men of action, and the higher they stand in the social hierarchy the less are they free.
War and Peace 4 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 10: CHAPTER I
3  She believes in heredity and hierarchy.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor Hugo
4  The Pope is the successor of St. Peter, and represents the three divine powers; the rest-ORDINES INFERIORES-of the ecclesiastical hierarchy bless in the name of the holy archangels and angels.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In 26 ARAMIS AND HIS THESIS
5  The different ranks and hierarchies of the court are endless, and even someone who knows his way around them cannot always tell what's going to happen.
The Trial By Franz Kafka
Context  Highlight   In Chapter Seven Lawyer - Manufacturer - Painter
Example Sentence:
1  By reorganizing the church hierarchy, the king was able to secure the appointment of men whom he personally favoured.
2  A new management hierarchy was created within the company.
3  He rose quickly through the political hierarchy to become party leader.
4  She's high up in the management hierarchy.
5  Some monkeys have a very complex social hierarchy.
6  To be low man on the totem pole is to have an inferior place in the hierarchy.
7  The final report of an extraordinary synod on the family has exposed deep divides in the church hierarchy.