1 Already the foundries were beginning to feel the lack of iron, for little or none came through the blockade, and the mines in Alabama were standing almost idle while the miners were at the front.
2 And England was coming in to help the Confederacy win the war, because the English mills were standing idle for want of Southern cotton.
3 The cotton mills of England were standing idle and the workers were starving, and any blockader who could outwit the Yankee fleet could command his own price in Liverpool.
4 This Bureau, organized by the Federal government to take care of the idle and excited ex-slaves, was drawing them from the plantations into the villages and cities by the thousands.
5 They were standing idle because both Hugh and Ashley feared to leave their families alone all day.
6 One morning, the old man had driven her to Hugh's mill and she had found it idle, the negroes gone and Hugh sitting despondently under a tree.
7 Why, we three have been--have been like soldiers fighting the world together for so many years that I'm ashamed of you for thinking idle gossip could come between us.
8 When he came, we were pleasantly surprised, most pleasantly, and realized how un-Christian it is to credit idle gossip.
9 And of course Bertha has been idle since.
10 Nor were the oarsmen quite idle, though their wonted duty was now altogether dispensed with.
11 He would write for a while, then sit idle, his clenched fist lying on the table, his eyes following the pattern of the oilcloth.
12 I could sit idle all through a Sunday morning and look at her.
13 This was "piece-work," of course; and besides it was made certain that the boy did not idle, by setting the machine to match the highest possible speed of human hands.
14 There was one man, however, who, by his countenance and actions, formed a marked exception to those who composed the latter class of spectators, being neither idle, nor seemingly very ignorant.
15 This is not a time for idle subtleties and false opinions," she answered; "but a moment when every duty should be equally considered.