INCENSE in a Sentence

Learn INCENSE from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

30 example sentences for INCENSE, such as:

1. Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.
2. Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
3. Cruelty to defenseless animals will incense Caroline.
4. de Treville loved incense as well as a king, or even a cardinal.
5. The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.

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 Meanings and Examples of INCENSE
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  enrage; infuriate; cause to be extremely angry
Classic Sentence: (23 in 2 pages)
1  And then when all were vested he had stood holding out the boat to the rector and the rector had put a spoonful of incense in it and it had hissed on the red coals.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 1
2  Pride and hope and desire like crushed herbs in his heart sent up vapours of maddening incense before the eyes of his mind.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 2
3  The candles on the high altar had been extinguished but the fragrance of incense still floated down the dim nave.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 3
4  But the trees in Stephen's Green were fragrant of rain and the rain-sodden earth gave forth its mortal odour, a faint incense rising upward through the mould from many hearts.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 5
5  The earth was like a swinging swaying censer, a ball of incense, an ellipsoidal fall.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James Joyce
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 5
6  The heavy odour of incense seemed to cling about its pages and to trouble the brain.
The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 10
7  All flowers unfolded around them and sent them incense; and they opened their souls and scattered them over the flowers.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 8: CHAPTER I—FULL LIGHT
8  The gardens and meadows, having water at their roots, and sun in their flowers, become perfuming-pans of incense, and smoke with all their odors at once.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor Hugo
9  The house was no less fragrant than the church; after the incense, roses.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor Hugo
10  de Treville loved incense as well as a king, or even a cardinal.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In 3 THE AUDIENCE
11  Herself she speeds through the sky to Paphos, and joyfully revisits her habitation, where the temple and its hundred altars steam with Sabaean incense, and are fresh with fragrance of chaplets in her worship.
The Aeneid By Virgil
Context  Highlight   In BOOK FIRST
12  With him his son Pallas, with him all the chief of his people and his poor senate were offering incense, and the blood steamed warm at their altars.
The Aeneid By Virgil
Context  Highlight   In BOOK EIGHTH
13  For a while nothing was heard in the room but a succession of sobs, while the incense from their grateful hearts mounted to heaven.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 105. The Cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise.
14  Do not, however, talk too much about fighting or you will incense me, and old though I am, I shall cover your mouth and chest with blood.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK XVIII
15  His name to-day, in this broad land, means little, and comes to fifty million ears laden with no incense of memory or emulation.
The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In XII
Example Sentence:
1  Cruelty to defenseless animals will incense Caroline.
2  Religiously significant Tibetan incense is believed to be capable of driving away evil.
3  Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.
4  Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.
5  The editor said a lot of readers would be incensed by my article on abortion.
6  The decision to reduce pay levels incensed the work - force.
7  Facebook Inc's Instagram lost a quarter of daily users a week after it rolled out and then withdrew policy changes that incensed users who feared the photo-sharing service would use their pictures without compensation.