1 No argument or persuasion could ever induce him to set up a female establishment after the manner of his companions.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER II. THE FLOWER OF UTAH 2 He had always determined, deep down in his resolute heart, that nothing would ever induce him to allow his daughter to wed a Mormon.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART II: CHAPTER III. JOHN FERRIER TALKS WITH THE PROPHET 3 Fear not, my lord," said Waldemar; "I will show him such reasons as shall induce him to join us when we hold our meeting at York.
4 And the indignant swineherd resumed his sullen silence, which no efforts of the Jester could again induce him to break.
5 But the petition was already breathed, nor could all the narrow prejudices of her sect induce Rebecca to wish it recalled.
6 Edmund was the only one of the family who could see a fault in the business; but no representation of his aunt's could induce him to find Mr. Rushworth a desirable companion.
7 Charles, in the meanwhile, was very decidedly declaring his resolution of calling on his aunt, now that he was so near; and very evidently, though more fearfully, trying to induce his wife to go too.
8 He would be very angry if he knew that I have said anything which might induce Sir Henry to go away.
The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In Chapter 7. The Stapletons of Merripit House 9 Nothing would induce me to help the police in any way.
The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In Chapter 11. The Man on the Tor 10 My friend was in excellent spirits over the success which had attended a succession of difficult and important cases, so that I was able to induce him to discuss the details of the Baskerville mystery.
The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In Chapter 15. A Retrospection 11 Nothing would induce him to give his old uncle away.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In XI. THE ADVENTURE OF THE MISSING THREE-QUARTER 12 Scarlett and her father each assured the other solemnly that to bring such matters to the ears of Ellen would only hurt her, and nothing would induce them to wound her gentleness.
13 And the voice went off into a whisper as the granddaughter slipped out to try to induce Mr. McRae to return to his seat in the shade.
14 But no sooner had she arrived than Aunt Pitty and Melanie began a campaign to induce her to make her home permanently with them.
15 Not all Melanie's pleading or Frank's promises of higher pay would induce him to take up the reins again.