1 Power, government, war, law, punishment, and a thousand other things, had no terms wherein that language could express them, which made the difficulty almost insuperable, to give my master any conception of what I meant.
2 The fact that he had made her an offer, and she had refused him, had placed an insuperable barrier between her and him.
3 In this manner, rocks, precipices and difficulties were surmounted in an incredibly short space, that at another time, and under other circumstances, would have been deemed almost insuperable.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 32 4 I do not think that even he could now hope to succeed with one of her stamp, and therefore I hope we may find no insuperable difficulty.
5 The part of mother presented to her no insuperable difficulties and for twenty-five years she had kept house shrewdly for her husband.
6 The last backwash of the movement from the west occurs: a backwash which serves to solve the apparently insuperable diplomatic difficulties and ends the military movement of that period of history.