1 Lily's smile again flowed into a slight laugh: her friend's importunity was beginning to strike her as irrelevant.
2 As he glanced at me, his face dimpled with a seizure of irrelevant merriment, and he shot up the windmill tower with a lightness that struck me as disdainful.
3 "It may be so," said the young clergyman, indifferently, as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable.
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel HawthorneContext Highlight In X. THE LEECH AND HIS PATIENT 4 What was vital was overlaid and hidden by what was irrelevant.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In XI. The Adventure of The Naval Treaty 5 Sixteen at the most, thought Scarlett irrelevantly, must be one of the Home Guard or a runaway schoolboy.
6 She remembered irrelevantly Rhett's drunken remark: "She can't conceive of dishonor in anyone she loves."
7 The ladies stood in unrelated attitudes calculated to isolate their effects, and the men hung about them as irrelevantly as stage heroes whose tailors are named in the programme.
8 "The worst of it is, she snubs the Brys now," he heard irrelevantly flung after him.
9 Lily saw this now in Mrs. Gormer's unconcealable complacency, and in the happy irrelevance with which, for the next day or two, she quoted Bertha's opinions and speculated on the origin of her gown.