JEALOUS in a Sentence

Learn JEALOUS from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

110 example sentences for JEALOUS, such as:

1. You're not making me jealous.
2. There is no reason to be jealous of me.
3. I could almost imagine you were jealous.
4. I'd be ashamed to admit feeling jealous.
5. You are jealous of something you can't understand.

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 Meanings and Examples of JEALOUS
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious
Classic Sentence: (98 in 7 pages)
1  All that bothers me is that some one of these days you're both going to get lickered up and jealous of each other about that two-faced, little, green-eyed baggage, and you'll shoot each other.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I
2  They only knew, as surely as they knew there was a just and jealous God in Heaven, that Lee was miraculous and the Army of Virginia invincible.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIV
3  And Scarlett was too happy to resent this, too glad to be jealous.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XV
4  Here she had danced and dined and flirted and here she had watched with a jealous, hurting heart how Melanie smiled up at Ashley.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXV
5  Scarlett had neither the time nor the impulse to pet him but it made her jealous to see Melanie do it.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXV
6  The sight of that happy possessive gesture had aroused in Scarlett all the jealous animosity which had slumbered during the months when she had thought Ashley probably dead.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXI
7  Frequently he was out of town on those mysterious trips to New Orleans which he never explained but which she felt sure, in a faintly jealous way, were connected with a woman--or women.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVIII
8  You are jealous of something you can't understand.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LIV
9  All this has happened because people are jealous of you, because you are so smart and successful.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LV
10  She's always been jealous because I loved you best, dear.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LV
11  Carol assured herself, "Whatever faults I may have, I certainly couldn't ever be jealous."
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXX
12  I was jealous of Tony's admiration for Charley Harling.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2. The Hired Girls: III
13  I was thinking about Antonia and her children; about Anna's solicitude for her, Ambrosch's grave affection, Leo's jealous, animal little love.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 5. Cuzak's Boys: I
14  Maybe he's sorry to have you go, and maybe he's jealous.
My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 5. Cuzak's Boys: III
15  "Perhaps I feared to make Alphonse jealous," she interjoined, with excessive naivete.
The Awakening By Kate Chopin
Context  Highlight   In V
Example Sentence:
1  I'd be ashamed to admit feeling jealous.
2  Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me.
3  You're not making me jealous.
4  An honorable Chinese citizen should be jealous of his own rights.
5  I could almost imagine you were jealous.
6  I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
7  Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.
8  The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
9  There is no reason to be jealous of me.
10  Don't be jealous that people have done better than you.
11  I think they're jealous, they wish they could share in that freedom but failed.
12  We disregarded her invidious remarks because we realized how jealous she was.