JOURNALIST in a Sentence

Learn JOURNALIST from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

41 example sentences for JOURNALIST, such as:

1. He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists.
2. The President agreed to speak to the waiting journalists.
3. Brash noisy journalists were crowding around the ambassador.
4. A small group of journalists waited on the pavement outside her house.
5. Hordes of journalists jostled for position outside the conference hall.

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 Meanings and Examples of JOURNALIST
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  writer for newspapers and magazines
Classic Sentence:
1  If I had come in here as a journalist, I should have interviewed myself and had two columns in every evening paper.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
2  The disconsolate journalist had seated himself at a writing-table.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
3  Chateau-Renaud rented a stall beside his own, while Beauchamp, as a journalist, had unlimited range all over the theatre.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 53. Robert le Diable.
4  Ultimately a journalist anxious to know something of the fate of his 'dear colleague' turned up.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
Context  Highlight   In III
5  He stood badly with the Liberal papers, but his noble opposition to the wishes of the court is now getting him into favor with the journalists.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 70. The Ball.
6  It was a gloomy, dusty-looking apartment, such as journalists' offices have always been from time immemorial.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 78. We hear From Yanina.
7  I shall try to do what I see lady journalists do: interviewing and writing descriptions and trying to remember conversations.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER V
8  So say the third class of historians who regard all historical persons, from monarchs to journalists, as the expression of their age.
War and Peace 6 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 17: CHAPTER V
9  But she had no desire to read the eloquent little newspaper essays in praise of labor which are daily written by the white-browed journalistic prophets.
Main Street By Sinclair Lewis
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIV
10  A great deal of my journalistic work is done at night, and I often write until the early morning.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
Example Sentence: (31 in 3 pages)
16  A Brazilian news report described the alleged espionage, citing Glenn Greenwald, a Brazil-based journalist who similarly obtained documents from Snowden.
17  Brash noisy journalists were crowding around the ambassador.
18  Some journalists have cast doubt on the authenticity of the official version of events.
19  Six journalists sought to challenge in court the legality of the ban on broadcasting.
20  Many journalists here choose to pigeon all but the most innocuous of stories.
21  Hordes of journalists jostled for position outside the conference hall.
22  The country's leaders kicked five foreign journalists out of the country.
23  Foreign journalists were body-searched by airport police.
24  A small group of journalists waited on the pavement outside her house.
25  He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists.
26  The report says it suspects foul play was involved in the deaths of two journalists.
27  This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists.
28  The President agreed to speak to the waiting journalists.
29  The need to produce the most exciting newspaper story obsesses most journalists.
30  John Fraser, is an accomplished descendant from the early days of journalists.