1 But the old horse was there alone, mumbling his crib with toothless jaws, and Ethan whistled cheerfully while he bedded down the grays and shook an extra measure of oats into their mangers.
2 Yet the serene half-light over Tara's well-kept acres brought a measure of quiet to her disturbed mind.
3 The hot nights brought a measure of quiet but it was a sinister quiet.
4 When she had finished it, a measure of strength came back to her and with the strength came again the pricking of fear.
5 Prissy had recovered her breath and a small measure of control but her eyes still rolled.
6 Everything was fresh and dewy and silent and green and the sight of the cotton fields brought a measure of balm and comfort to her sore heart.
7 A measure of calm had returned and with it all the natural bluntness which brandy brought to the surface.
8 Still the words would not come, but, a measure of poise returning, she kept her eyes demurely down and tucked the corners of her mouth into a little smile.
9 Then she passed the tape measure about her waist.
10 The name, as Gerty saw with a clutch at the heart, had loosened the springs of self-pity in her friend's dry breast, and tear by tear Lily poured out the measure of her anguish.
11 Selden had in fact given her the utmost measure of his sureness, had even stretched it a shade to meet the anxiety in her eyes.
12 She paused a moment, glancing about her, calmly taking the measure of her situation.
13 She paused again to measure the effect of this announcement on her hearer, but the brush in Miss Bart's lifted hand maintained its unwavering stroke from brow to nape.
14 Society did not turn away from her, it simply drifted by, preoccupied and inattentive, letting her feel, to the full measure of her humbled pride, how completely she had been the creature of its favour.
15 The unusual harshness of his tone might have shown her how much the words cost him; but she was in no state to measure his feelings while her own were in a flame of revolt.