1 There was something about the tragic melody and Lorena's lost love that mingled with her own excitement and brought a lump into her throat.
2 They sang one Negro melody after another, while the mulatto sat rocking himself, his head thrown back, his yellow face lifted, his shrivelled eyelids never fluttering.
3 But four parts are altogether necessary to the perfection of melody.
4 The melody, which no weakness could destroy, gradually wrought its sweet influence on the senses of those who heard it.
5 The beast still continued its rolling, and apparently untiring movements, though its ludicrous attempt to imitate the melody of David ceased the instant the latter abandoned the field.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 25 6 The sage started, and bent his head aside, as if to catch the fleeting sounds of some passing melody.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore CooperContext Highlight In CHAPTER 30 7 The leaves of the overhanging maple rustled with melody in the wind of youthful summer.
8 Towards Findlater's church a quartet of young men were striding along with linked arms, swaying their heads and stepping to the agile melody of their leader's concertina.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 4 9 They would sing so for hours, melody after melody, glee after glee, till the last pale light died down on the horizon, till the first dark night clouds came forth and night fell.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 4 10 Decidedly Villona was in excellent spirits; he kept up a deep bass hum of melody for miles of the road.
11 One hand played in the bass the melody of Silent, O Moyle, while the other hand careered in the treble after each group of notes.
12 His softly padded feet played the melody while his fingers swept a scale of variations idly along the railings after each group of notes.
13 He liked music but the piece she was playing had no melody for him and he doubted whether it had any melody for the other listeners, though they had begged Mary Jane to play something.
14 Her eyes caught the melody and echoed it in radiance, then closed for a moment, as though to hide their secret.
15 Hagar, in a fine dramatic melody, promised both, and proceeded to call up the spirit who would bring the love philter.