1 "Mr. Lincoln, the merciful and just, who cries large tears over Mrs. Bixby's five boys, hasn't any tears to shed about the thousands of Yankees dying at Andersonville," said Rhett, his mouth twisting.
2 Gradually, Scarlett drew courage from the brave faces of her friends and from the merciful adjustment which nature makes when what cannot be cured must be endured.
3 She tried to think of all the things Mammy and Ellen had done for her when Wade was born but the merciful blurring of the childbirth pains obscured almost everything in mist.
4 It was as if Tony's appearance that wild rainy night had stripped merciful blinders from her eyes and forced her to see the true uncertainty of her life.
5 It sometimes seems we are deserted by earth and Heaven yet we must still think, speak and work, and trust in the power of a merciful God for final deliverance.
6 His death was regarded by the slaves as the result of a merciful providence.
7 God, who had long been merciful, would then be just.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 3 8 God is still the merciful Lord who wishes not the eternal death of the sinner but rather that he be converted and live.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 3 9 But God was merciful to poor sinners who were truly sorry.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 3 10 But God is merciful and just, and knows your pain and your devotion to that dear Madam Mina.
11 "You will do well to hearken unto Him who is merciful," he said.
12 There is one thing I constantly pray God to grant, mon cousin," she replied, "and it is that He would be merciful to him and would allow his noble soul peacefully to leave this.
13 "God is merciful, doctors are never needed," she said.
14 "We French are merciful after victory, but we do not pardon traitors," he added, with a look of gloomy dignity and a fine energetic gesture.
15 We were all disposed to wonder, but it seems to have been the merciful appointment of Providence that the heart which knew no guile should not suffer.