1 Melanie, however, did not seem to mind the smells, the wounds or the nakedness, which Scarlett thought strange in one who was the most timorous and modest of women.
2 "Thank God, I'm not that modest," thought Scarlett, feeling rather than seeing Melanie's agony of embarrassment, as she wrapped the ragged cloth about the shattered face.
3 She thought of the modest hoops of the war years and she felt a little embarrassed at these new skirts which undeniably outlined her abdomen.
4 When she did not receive calls from old friends, except Melanie and Pitty and Uncle Henry and Ashley, and did not get cards to their modest entertainments, she was genuinely puzzled and hurt.
5 A born artilleryman, a brave soldier and an uncomplaining gentleman, a modest man who wouldn't even take a commission when it was offered him.
6 No modest, matronly dove grays and lilacs tonight.
7 She only knew that as she had once desired to keep her mother thinking her modest, kind, pure of heart, so she now passionately desired to keep Melanie's high opinion.
8 Its modest "effects," compact of enamel paint and ingenuity, spoke to him in the language just then sweetest to his ear.
9 It was as the immortalizer of such occasions that little Dabham, wedged in modest watchfulness between two brilliant neighbours, suddenly became the centre of Selden's scrutiny.
10 In the Bon Ton Store she found Guy Pollock tentatively buying a modest gray scarf.
11 We used to dance modest, and we had just as much fun as all these young folks do now with their terrible Turkey Trots and hugging and all.
12 A modest voile blouse with an edging of lace at the neck.
13 She could, she asserted, endure a shabby but modest town; the town shabby and egomaniac she could not endure.
14 The husband, in Chicago, was working in a furniture factory for modest wages, and when he met his family at the station he was rather crushed by the size of it.
15 Yes, 'm,' Fuchs admitted with modest pride.