1 He was obsessed with American gangster movies.
2 They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.
3 A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.
4 She was stalked by an obsessed fan.
5 The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups.
6 The whole relationship obsessed me for years.
7 The author of the book seems to be obsessed with sexual perversity and death.
8 The fear of death obsessed her throughout her old age.
9 The moment of death had obsessed him from childhood, when he had acquired that slight crouch, protecting his neck from the shining blade of the guillotine that might slice through.
10 It's a familiar charge from the conservative fringe, that Obama is somehow different and doesn't view America as an exceptional paragon but is obsessed with apologizing for its failings.
11 So when people say I'm obsessed, which is a clever way of saying please shut up, I don't like your facts.
12 Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
13 Gambling became an obsession , and he eventually lost everything.
14 She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.
15 Society's obsession with sex has bred a generation of unhappy children.