OUTCRY in a Sentence

Learn OUTCRY from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

26 example sentences for OUTCRY, such as:

1. Raised outcry, and all came on deck.
2. The bombing caused an international outcry.
3. The killing caused an international outcry.
4. All their outcry did them no good, of course.
5. The three women broke into indignant outcries.

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 Meanings and Examples of OUTCRY
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  strong protest or objection; loud cry or clamor
Classic Sentence: (18 in 2 pages)
1  As food and clothing grew scarcer and prices rose higher and higher, the public outcry against the speculators grew louder and more venomous.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVI
2  Pork set up an outcry which she found infuriating.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXV
3  All their outcry did them no good, of course.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 6
4  The outcry was renewed, and the order, not only to fire again, but to pursue, was too plainly audible.
The Last of the Mohicans By James Fenimore Cooper
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER 14
5  As he looked the youth gripped his outcry at his throat.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 3
6  He was startled from this view by a shrill outcry from the tattered man.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 9
7  When the hens heard this, they raised a terrible outcry.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Context  Highlight   In Chapter VII
8  Mr. Giles was at a loss to comprehend what this outcry meant; but Harry Maylie, whose perceptions were something quicker, and who had heard Oliver's history from his mother, understood it at once.
Oliver Twist By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXV
9  Raised outcry, and all came on deck.
Dracula By Bram Stoker
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VII
10  I think I would have raised an outcry if I had believed my eyes.
Heart of Darkness By Joseph Conrad
Context  Highlight   In III
11  Almost instantly, in the midst of a tremendous and general outcry, seven or eight horses, excited by the shouts of three hundred thousand spectators, passed by like lightning.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 36. The Carnival at Rome.
12  As she spoke, Jo took off her bonnet, and a general outcry arose, for all her abundant hair was cut short.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER FIFTEEN
13  They asked themselves whether he had indeed uttered that cry; they could not believe that that tranquil man had been the one to give that terrible outcry.
Les Misérables 1 By Victor Hugo
14  Pork, Mammy and Prissy set up outcries at the idea of working in the fields.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXVI
15  The three women broke into indignant outcries.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVIII
Example Sentence:
1  The closure of the local hospital has caused a huge public outcry.
2  The bombing caused an international outcry.
3  The killing caused an international outcry.
4  A public outcry secured her release from detention.
5  The release from prison of two of the terrorists has provoked a public outcry.
6  Improvements to our education system will require relentless and vocal outcry from the parents whose children suffer most from the current schools.
7  Inspired by the splendor of his own act, he took without an outcry.
8  The stories dominated news cycles, to be sure, but the outcry accompanying Mr Weinstein's downfall seems louder and more impassioned.