OVERHEAR in a Sentence

Learn OVERHEAR from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

20 example sentences for OVERHEAR, such as:

1. I overhear some cruel remarks about him.
2. He went as near as he dared trying to overhear words.
3. They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.
4. One may imagine her suffering on overhearing fragments of this sort of conversation.
5. As he walked over the soft rug towards the door, he could not help overhearing a conversation he did not want to hear.

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 Meanings and Examples of OVERHEAR
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 v.  hear more of anything than was intended to be heard; hear again
Classic Sentence: (18 in 2 pages)
1  He went as near as he dared trying to overhear words.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 6
2  The two unnoticed foot soldiers made a little show of going on, but they lingered near in the desire to overhear the conversation.
The Red Badge of Courage By Stephen Crane
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 18
3  Cassy placed her ear at the knot-hole; and, as the morning air blew directly towards the house, she could overhear a good deal of the conversation.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XL
4  The fact that the party halted awhile by the entrance steps made it possible to overhear a portion of their conversation from within.
Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER III
5  Sonya wore a company smile but was evidently tormented by jealousy; now she turned pale, now blushed and strained every nerve to overhear what Nicholas and Julie were saying to one another.
War and Peace 1 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XVIII
6  I waited patiently, not to overhear what they said, but because I could do nothing else; besides, the same thing had occurred often before.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 44. The Vendetta.
7  I happened to overhear the gentleman himself mentioning to the young lady who does the honours of the house the names of his cousin Miss de Bourgh, and of her mother Lady Catherine.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 18
8  She rented a small cottage, and Mr. Wopsle had the room up stairs, where we students used to overhear him reading aloud in a most dignified and terrific manner, and occasionally bumping on the ceiling.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In Chapter VII
9  Tom Gradgrind, Mrs. Sparsit latterly found herself, by accident, in a situation to overhear a conversation out of doors between your daughter and your precious gentleman-friend, Mr. James Harthouse.
Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER III
10  One day, while at work in the coal-mine, I happened to overhear two miners talking about a great school for coloured people somewhere in Virginia.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter III.
11  Meg stopped there, remembering all of a sudden that she hadn't made up her mind, that she had told 'her John' to go away, and that he might be overhearing her inconsistent remarks.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE
12  One may imagine her suffering on overhearing fragments of this sort of conversation.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE
13  After overhearing this dialogue, I should assuredly have got down and been left in the solitude and darkness of the highway, but for feeling certain that the man had no suspicion of my identity.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In Chapter XXVIII
14  As he walked over the soft rug towards the door, he could not help overhearing a conversation he did not want to hear.
Anna Karenina 2 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In PART 4: Chapter 19
15  Legree could not help overhearing this whispering; and it was all the more exciting to him, from the pains that were taken to conceal it from him.
Uncle Tom's Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLII
Example Sentence:
1  I overhear some cruel remarks about him.
2  They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.