1 It was the builder's custom to pay at the end of three months, and there was no precedent between the two men for a cash settlement.
2 Ethan felt that if he had pleaded an urgent need Hale might have made shift to pay him; but pride, and an instinctive prudence, kept him from resorting to this argument.
3 You know I haven't got the money to pay for a girl, Zeena.
4 Why, you told me yesterday you'd fixed it up with him to pay cash down.
5 Her head was wrapped in her shawl, and she was reading a book called "Kidney Troubles and Their Cure" on which he had had to pay extra postage only a few days before.
6 I noticed that but I didn't pay it any mind then.
7 But since that day two years ago when Ashley, newly home from his three years' Grand Tour in Europe, had called to pay his respects, she had loved him.
8 "It's no bargain you're getting and I am glad not to have to pay more taxes on the place," sighed the possessor of an "ace full," as he called for pen and ink.
9 And he did not intend to have it gossiped about over supper tables that this, that or the other father had regretfully refused to let Gerald O'Hara pay court to his daughter.
10 She knew it was beneath the dignity of quality white folks to pay the slightest attention to what a darky said when she was just grumbling to herself.
11 When the dish was empty and Gerald only midway in his remarks on the thievishness of Yankees who wanted to free darkies and yet offered no penny to pay for their freedom, Ellen rose.
12 Again he had made a graceful remark, the kind of compliment any gentleman would pay under such circumstances, but he did not mean a word of it.
13 "Well, if you think I'll marry you to pay for the bonnet, I won't," she said daringly and gave her head a saucy flirt that set the plume to bobbing.
14 But they say you didn't pay enough.
15 And everybody knows pretty well that you can't pay them.