1 In the years that followed that second christening, many changes had taken place in her that made the pet name incongruous.
2 Scarlett had neither the time nor the impulse to pet him but it made her jealous to see Melanie do it.
3 I--I was my mother's pet and I lay there and saw it all.
4 The mottled wise old eyes saw deeply, saw clearly, with the directness of the savage and the child, undeterred by conscience when danger threatened her pet.
5 But you miss the point, my pet.
6 Will knew you were your father's pet and he didn't want to make it worse for you than it already was.
7 It isn't losing their money, my pet.
8 My pet, I've been to the devil and he's a very dull fellow.
9 Sometimes I think you carry your truth telling too far, my pet.
10 My pet, the world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business.
11 You have such execrable taste, my pet.
12 And a damned sight too good for you, my pet.
13 My pet, it's written plainly on your face.
14 Laugh, if you like, but I wanted to take care of you, to pet you, to give you everything you wanted.
15 She was so like you, so willful, so brave and gay and full of high spirits, and I could pet her and spoil her--just as I wanted to pet you.