1 The mortification and hurt pride that she had suffered in the library with Ashley and with Rhett Butler were pin pricks to this.
2 He could no more resist pricking the conceits, the hypocrisies and the flamboyant patriotism of those about him than a small boy can resist putting a pin into a balloon.
3 A belaying pin is found too large to be easily inserted into its hole: the carpenter claps it into one of his ever-ready vices, and straightway files it smaller.
4 Under his coat he wore a knitted grey vest, and, instead of a collar, a silk scarf of a dark bronze-green, carefully crossed and held together by a red coral pin.
5 He patted her flanks and talked to her in Russian while he pulled up her lariat pin and set it in a new place.
6 He was clean and neat as usual, with his green neckcloth and his coral pin.
7 He'd took off that silk neckcloth he always wore, and folded it smooth and stuck his pin through it.
8 Mrs. Shimerda had run to the animal, pulled up the lariat pin, and, when we came upon her, she was trying to hide the cow in an old cave in the bank.
9 He thought he could pin it together until he got it to a tailor.
10 You could never pin that, Mr. Ordinsky.
11 Edna drew her down upon the sofa, and taking a pin from her own hair, secured the shabby artificial flowers in their accustomed place.
12 She went on picking the leaves and digging around the plants with her hat pin.
13 She adjusted it, sticking the hat pin through the heavy coil of hair with some deliberation.
14 Joe took a pin out of his lapel and began to assist in exercising the prisoner.
15 So he reached out and lent a hand with his pin.