1 Already the house was full of the acrid smell of clothes boiling in homemade black dye for, in the kitchen, the sobbing cook was stirring all of Mrs. Meade's dresses in the huge wash pot.
2 The pot's calling the kettle black.
3 There was some hominy left in the pot and she ate it with a big cooking spoon, not waiting to put it on a plate.
4 A fat mulatto woman, who was leaning over a rusty old stove, dropped a half curtsy as she saw Scarlett and went on stirring a pot in which black-eyed peas were cooking.
5 Along the decks she saw missionaries, gamblers in tall pot hats, and Dakota chiefs with scarlet blankets.
6 Then they distributed hot buttered rolls, coffee poured from an enamel-ware pot, stuffed olives, potato salad, and angel's-food cake.
7 The high light was a polished copper pot filled with primroses.
8 I thought it weak-minded of grandmother to give the pot to her.
9 Mrs. Shimerda ladled meal mush out of an iron pot and poured milk on it.
10 She was endeavoring to heat a pot of chocolate on the stove.
11 Now, I'd like to know what the eternal thunders we was marched into these woods for anyhow, unless it was to give the rebs a regular pot shot at us.
12 Ben Weatherstaff brought the rose in its pot from the greenhouse.
13 He knelt down by the hole and broke the pot from the mould.
14 The good advice was followed, and a pot of fat was bought, but they did not know where to put it.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm GrimmContext Highlight In CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP 15 She went straight to the church, stole to the pot of fat, began to lick at it, and licked the top of the fat off.
Grimms' Fairy Tales By Jacob and Wilhelm GrimmContext Highlight In CAT AND MOUSE IN PARTNERSHIP