1 What they had, each shared with less fortunate friends, as they had done in more prosperous days.
2 Will had told her he looked quite prosperous since he got his new job with the Freedmen's Bureau.
3 You look very prosperous and very, very tidy.
4 Belle herself presented a prosperous appearance when glimpsed occasionally in her closed carriage driven by an impudent yellow negro.
5 In it were an obviously prosperous man and a black-haired, fine-skinned girl whose pumps rested on an immaculate horsehide bag.
6 One result of this family solidarity was that the foreign farmers in our county were the first to become prosperous.
7 The Ratignolles lived at no great distance from Edna's home, on the corner of a side street, where Monsieur Ratignolle owned and conducted a drug store which enjoyed a steady and prosperous trade.
8 The farm was more prosperous now, and better organised: it had even been enlarged by two fields which had been bought from Mr. Pilkington.
9 Sharers of Wilfred's dangers and adversity, they remained, as they had a right to expect, the partakers of his more prosperous career.
10 She had been a beauty, and a prosperous beauty, all her life; and beauty and wealth were all that excited her respect.
11 His genius and ardour had seemed to foresee and to command his prosperous path.
12 Indeed, seeing that his expenditure was only one-fourth of his income, he might have been called a prosperous man.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 1: 9 Love Leads a Shrewd Man into Strategy 13 A short walk brought us to it, a bleak moorland house, once the farm of some grazier in the old prosperous days, but now put into repair and turned into a modern dwelling.
The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In Chapter 7. The Stapletons of Merripit House 14 His name was Evans, but he afterwards changed it, like myself, and he is now a rich and prosperous man in the south of England.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In V. The Adventure of The "Gloria Scott" 15 Their lord himself pours courage and prosperous strength on the Grecians, himself stirs the gods against the arms of Dardania.