16 We find advertising on the radio very effective.
17 I work for a commercial radio station.
18 I will make this radio work even if I have to stay up all night.
19 The newcomer on the radio scene is a commercial station devoted to classical music.
20 There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio.
21 He was accused of taking the radio station downmarket in order to compete with commercial stations.
22 It is really great for a radio producer to create a show like this.
23 The spokesman for the State Department declared his views to a group of reporters from radio,television,and newspapers.
24 This radio station broadcasts on three different frequencies.
25 Vast amounts of energy, from X-rays right through the spectrum down to radio waves, are escaping into space.
26 Many people expected the growth of television to mean the eclipse of radio.
27 We all huddled around the radio to hear the news.
28 I heard an interesting snippet on the radio this morning.
29 I heard a really interesting programme on the radio this morning.
30 The interview was broadcast on radio and television.