1 She leaned forward with a responsive flash.
2 She had never seen him so alert, so responsive, so attentive to what she had to say.
3 Her eyes sought the faces about her, craving a responsive glance, some sign of an intuition of her trouble.
4 She told herself that she was not responsive to men.
5 She was so gay and responsive that one did not mind her heavy, running step, or her clattery way with pans.
6 Antonia had the most trusting, responsive eyes in the world; love and credulousness seemed to look out of them with open faces.
7 He waited a moment longer, hoping I'd begin a conversation, but I was too absorbed to be responsive, so he went unwillingly home.
8 He loved to lie in the very centre of five millions of people, with his filaments stretching out and running through them, responsive to every little rumour or suspicion of unsolved crime.
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In II. The Adventure of the Cardboard Box 9 She makes them as responsive as a violin.
10 It's all very well for you, said Natasha, with a responsive smile.
11 They raise their arms mightily in responsive time, and turn the mass of metal about in the grasp of their tongs.
12 I have found no other audience so quick to see a point, and so responsive.
Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. WashingtonContext Highlight In Chapter XV. 13 The only Latin he knew was the responses of the Mass and the only history the manifold wrongs of Ireland.
14 Scarlett came abruptly out of her dream of delight, for she had neglected to make the responses and her mother was looking at her reprovingly.
15 But his guttural responses satisfied me at once that he but ill comprehended my meaning.