1 There were graybeards older than her father trying to step jauntily along in the needle- fine rain to the rhythm of the fife and drum corps.
2 But the hooves slowed down in a startlingly natural way to the rhythm of a walk and there was the measured scrunch-scrunch on the gravel.
3 Loren Wheeler, editor of the Dauntless, led the orchestra, with a ruler and a totally inaccurate sense of rhythm.
4 He tapped his foot to the rhythm; he looked normal and reassured.
5 The carriage squeaked in rhythm.
6 As she let the ether drip, nervously trying to keep the rhythm that Kennicott had indicated, Carol stared at her husband with the abandon of hero-worship.
7 They strolled with the half-dancing gait of lovers, kicking their feet out sideways or shuffling a dragging jig, and the concrete walk sounded to the broken two-four rhythm.
8 Lena moved without exertion, rather indolently, and her hand often accented the rhythm softly on her partner's shoulder.
9 A sudden burst of music issued from the ark, the prelude of a waltz: and when the side door closed again the listener could hear the faint rhythm of the music.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 2 10 The rhythm died out at once; the cry of his heart was broken.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By James JoyceContext Highlight In Chapter 5 11 He felt the rhythm of the verse about him in the room.
12 He turned back the way he had come, the rhythm of the engine pounding in his ears.
13 He halted under a tree and allowed the rhythm to die away.
14 Observe the rhythm of his native woodnotes wild.
15 Through all he said, even through his appalling sentimentality, I was reminded of something--an elusive rhythm, a fragment of lost words, that I had heard somewhere a long time ago.