1 He saw the rise of the colour in Mattie's averted cheek, and the quick lifting of Zeena's head.
2 Half-way down there was a sudden drop, then a rise, and after that another long delirious descent.
3 Here under his feet would rise a house of whitewashed brick.
4 When the last forkful of pork and chicken and mutton had been eaten, Scarlett hoped the time had come when India would rise and suggest that the ladies retire to the house.
5 The languor of midday had taken hold of the gathering, but underneath lurked tempers that could rise to killing heights in a second and flare out as quickly.
6 Her temper was beginning to rise again at the thought that this rude and impertinent man had heard everything--heard things she now wished she had died before she ever uttered.
7 With quiet restored and with the new sights that met her eyes, Scarlest's spirits began to rise a little.
8 Speculators swarmed Wilmington and, having the ready cash, bought up boatloads of goods and held them for a rise in prices.
9 The rise always came, for with the increasing scarcity of necessities, prices leaped higher by the month.
10 With the rise in prices, Confederate money sank, and with its rapid fall there rose a wild passion for luxuries.
11 From far down the street she could hear the rise and fall and roar of many voices.
12 Then finally having found it, the horse sank in the traces and refused to move, refused to rise even when she and Prissy tugged at the bridle.
13 Then Scarlett saw with relief the faint rise and fall of her shallow breathing and knew that Melanie had survived the night.
14 Then they topped the rise and before them lay the oaks of Tara, a towering dark mass against the darkening sky.
15 Surely, when she entered that room, Mother would again be sitting there before the secretary and would look up, quill poised, and rise with sweet fragrance and rustling hoops to meet her tired daughter.