1 Ned Hale and Ruth Varnum came just as near running into the big elm at the bottom.
2 She was panting, for her stays were laced too tightly to permit much running, but she walked on as rapidly as she could.
3 I haven't been running after him.
4 The muddy Flint River, running silently between walls of pine and water oak covered with tangled vines, wrapped about Gerald's new land like a curving arm and embraced it on two sides.
5 Mr. Wilkes always had at least a dozen darkies busy running back and forth with trays to serve the guests.
6 A hot swift current was running through her.
7 Scrapes about women, several shootings, gun running to the revolutionists in Central America and, worst of all, professional gambling were included in his career, as Atlanta heard it.
8 When well-meaning people complimented him on his bravery in running the blockade, he blandly replied that he was always frightened when in danger, as frightened as were the brave boys at the front.
9 As she struggled with her bushy, obstinate locks, perspiration beading her forehead, she heard light running feet in the downstairs hall and knew that Melanie was home from the hospital.
10 The tide of the Confederacy's fortune was running strong and full now, sweeping the people jubilantly along on its flood.
11 All this running about and worry won't help you and may harm the baby.
12 His army was across the railroad to the east and he had cut the railroad running southwest to Alabama.
13 No running up and down stairs to cellars.
14 She took as long a time as possible in getting the water, running to the front door every two minutes to see if Prissy were coming.
15 Negroes were running up and down the street, panic in their faces; and on porches, white children sat crying untended.