1 "I know how you feel but there isn't any sacrifice too great for the Cause," broke in Mrs. Elsing in a soft voice that settled matters.
2 I know what a sacrifice it must have been for you to come out tonight.
3 I am asking a sacrifice but a sacrifice so small compared with the sacrifices our gallant men in gray are making that it will seem laughably small.
4 Accept, dear Madam, this token of my reverence for your courage and do not think that your sacrifice has been in vain, for this ring has been redeemed at ten times its value.
5 She would sacrifice anything for Ashley.
6 And I am hurt, Scarlett, that you do not take my gallant sacrifice with better spirit.
7 Scarlett knew he was carrying these taxes for her at a great sacrifice.
8 Scarlett gathered that no sacrifice, even though it be muddy shoes, was too great to show loyalty to the Confederacy in so far as Miss Pittypat was concerned.
9 She wasn't like these people who had gambled everything on a Cause that was gone and were content to be proud of having lost that Cause, because it was worth any sacrifice.
10 But for all her labor and sacrifice and resourcefulness, her small beginnings purchased at so great a cost might be snatched away from her at any minute.
11 And complete understanding, because he, like her, saw truth as truth, unobstructed by impractical notions of honor, sacrifice, or high belief in human nature.
12 If one did drag one's self out of bed at such an hour, and come down fresh and radiant to the monotony of note-writing, some special recognition of the sacrifice seemed fitting.
13 To characters like Gerty's such a sacrifice constitutes a moral claim on the part of the person in whose behalf it has been made.
14 Mysteriously aching, nebulously sad, she slipped away, half-convinced but only half-convinced that it was horrible and unnatural, this postponement of release of mother-affection, this sacrifice to her opinionation and to his cautious desire for prosperity.
15 The barbarity of that willingness to sacrifice other children so that one child might have too much was impossible to her.