1 You see, after saying my prayers, I bethought me of telling my fortune by the cards; and God must have sent him as a punishment.
2 Accordingly he raised a turmoil which sent the staff flying.
3 He was unused to receiving visitors, and for the moment conceived the new arrival to be a Government official, sent to question him concerning an abortive society to which he had formerly belonged.
4 I have had the wheels removed from your koliaska, Monsieur Chichikov, and have sent your horse, Platon Mikhalitch, to a grazing ground fifteen versts away.
5 At least you might have sent me word as to your destination and the probable length of your absence.
6 But at last he became bankrupt, and God sent him other misfortunes also.
7 All that you need do is to accept it as a commission sent of God.
8 Touching a bell, the Prince ordered her to be sent for.
9 Their father returned to his division and his wife, and only rarely sent his sons large sheets of grey paper, scrawled over in a bold clerkly hand.
10 Fenitchka was much frightened when she heard the master had sent for her; however, she followed her mother.
11 On ordinary days a serf-boy used to keep driving them away with a large green branch; but on this occasion Vassily Ivanovitch had sent him away through dread of the criticism of the younger generation.
12 'Arina Vlasyevna sent me to call you in to tea,' announced Anfisushka, coming by with an immense dish of ripe raspberries.
13 She confined herself to a light exclamation, begged Arkady to remember her to his father, and sent for her aunt.
14 Bazarov shook Piotr by the collar, and sent him for a droshky.
15 Nikolai Petrovitch sent Fenitchka twice to take him a glass of lemonade; Pavel Petrovitch gazed at her intently, and drank off the glass to the last drop.