SERIOUS in a Sentence

Learn SERIOUS from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

420 example sentences for SERIOUS, such as:

1. I don't want to get serious yet.
2. Your condition is serious and requires surgery.
3. The court case will do serious harm to my business.
4. But there were also rumours of something more serious.
5. Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.

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 Meanings and Examples of SERIOUS
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  grave in manner or disposition
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  In the case of Lucy Ferrier the occasion was serious enough in itself, apart from its future influence on her destiny and that of many besides.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle
2  But there were also rumours of something more serious.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Context  Highlight   In Chapter V
3  Mollie," she said, "I have something very serious to say to you.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Context  Highlight   In Chapter V
4  In the evening Squealer called them together, and with an alarmed expression on his face told them that he had some serious news to report.
Animal Farm By George Orwell
Context  Highlight   In Chapter VII
5  I shall say nothing till I have seen the body," said he; "this may be very serious.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis Stevenson
6  The captives had not long enjoyed their refreshment, however, ere their attention was disturbed even from this most serious occupation by the blast of a horn winded before the gate.
Ivanhoe By Walter Scott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXI
7  Hitherto, Rowena had sustained her part in this trying scene with undismayed courage, but it was because she had not considered the danger as serious and imminent.
Ivanhoe By Walter Scott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIII
8  That was her own private affair, and the one point on which, in her own queer, female way, she was serious to the bottom of her soul.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 6
9  They aren't ever serious about anything, except showing off on motor-bikes and dancing at the Palais-de-danse in Sheffield.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 9
10  The serious ones dress up in evening clothes and go off to the Pally to show off before a lot of girls and dance these new Charlestons and what not.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 9
11  They don't give a serious thought to a thing--save Doncaster races, and the Derby: for they all of them bet on every race.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 9
12  He talked to her of all his serious schemes, and she listened in a kind of wonder, and let him talk.
Lady Chatterley's Lover By D H Lawrence
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 15
13  Fanny coloured and looked at Edmund, but felt too angry for speech; and he needed a little recollection before he could say, "Your lively mind can hardly be serious even on serious subjects."
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
14  She hailed it as an earnest of the most serious determination, and was equal even to encounter her father.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX
15  It was plain that he could have no serious views, no true attachment, by fixing himself in a situation which he must know she would never stoop to.
Mansfield Park By Jane Austen
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXIII
Example Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
16  The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility.
17  I don't want to get serious yet.
18  It's not yet clear whether the Prime Minister's resignation offer is a serious one, or whether it's simply a tactical move.
19  Not making a will can have serious consequences for the people you might wish to benefit.
20  The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.
21  With competition from cheap imports, the British coal industry is facing a serious crisis.
22  The court case will do serious harm to my business.
23  If we continue to deplete the Earth's natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.
24  The strike represented a serious challenge to the government.
25  The industry faced a serious challenge in trying to stimulate consumption.
26  He was clearly intent on inflicting serious harm on someone.
27  Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.
28  The concept of interleague play in major league baseball is certainly intriguing, worthy of serious consideration.
29  The president's health is giving serious cause for concern.
30  Your condition is serious and requires surgery.