SHODDY in a Sentence

Learn SHODDY from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

11 example sentences for SHODDY, such as:

1. It is a fairly shoddy way to treat an employee.
2. I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
3. She has a nearly clean apron, and the shoddy coat has been tidied a little.
4. They refused him sick pay when he was off ill, which is a shoddy way to treat an employee.
5. She wears a shoddy black coat that reaches nearly to her knees and is shaped to her waist.

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 Meanings and Examples of SHODDY
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  made of or containing inferior material; not genuine; of low rank; poor quality or craft
Classic Sentence:
1  Scarlett, when you are forty-five, perhaps you will know what I'm talking about and then perhaps you, too, will be tired of imitation gentry and shoddy manners and cheap emotions.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LXIII
2  All the clothing that was to be had in the stores was made of cotton and shoddy, which is made by tearing old clothes to pieces and weaving the fiber again.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 7
3  She wears a shoddy black coat that reaches nearly to her knees and is shaped to her waist.
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT I
4  She has a nearly clean apron, and the shoddy coat has been tidied a little.
Pygmalion By George Bernard Shaw
Context  Highlight   In ACT II
5  In short, wherever Chichikov's eye turned he saw nothing that was not free from shoddy make and well and skilfully arranged.
Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER V
Example Sentence:
1  It is a fairly shoddy way to treat an employee.
2  He called for checks to discover whether corrupt officials are being bribed to connive in shoddy construction.
3  They refused him sick pay when he was off ill, which is a shoddy way to treat an employee.
4  I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
5  He says earlier reports from the U.S. had been based shoddy intelligence; it's necessary to wait for new ones.
6  The Sochi Olympics have been tainted by myriad controversies during the buildup – from gay rights to corruption – and many expected the Games themselves to be similarly disastrous, with concerns about the intrusiveness of security, the absence of fans and shoddy construction work.