1 The unravaged state was a vast granary, machine shop and storehouse for the Confederacy.
2 Mrs. Merriwether said that when she made a little more money she was going to open a bake shop downtown.
3 I saw Will over at the blacksmith's shop, getting the horse shod.
4 Since the Ku Klux lynching, the ladies had been practically immured, not even going to town to shop unless there were half a dozen in their group.
5 It was Saturday, the biggest day of the week for the store, for all the farmers came to town to shop that day, but she asked no questions.
6 She had decided to defer the purchase of the dressing-case till she should receive the bill for her new opera-cloak, and the resolve made her feel much richer than when she had entered the shop.
7 But at the very outset of Gerty's campaign this vision of the green-and-white shop had been dispelled.
8 Regina's would enable her, when Mrs. Peniston's legacy was paid, to realize the vision of the green-and-white shop with the fuller competence acquired by her preliminary training.
9 A jewelry shop with tinny-looking wrist-watches for women.
10 A tobacco shop called "The Smoke House," filled with young men shaking dice for cigarettes.
11 Between a large new "block" of two-story brick shops on one side, and the fire-brick Overland garage on the other side, was a one-story cottage turned into a millinery shop.
12 If any man don't like my shop, he can get up and git.
13 I got them from an importing shop in Minneapolis.
14 Carol hastened out of the shop exulting, "She didn't make fun of me."
15 It had an unobstructed view of a vacant lot and Nat Hicks's tailor shop.