1 The stillness was so profound that he heard a little animal twittering somewhere near by under the snow.
2 You get out and help me in and drive me somewhere where nobody will see me.
3 Later she heard he had died before a doctor ever saw him and was buried somewhere, no one knew exactly.
4 Moreover, Phil was somewhere in the trenches and she wanted to be near by in case.
5 No one knew anything except that thousands of soldiers, gray and blue, were somewhere between Atlanta and Jonesboro.
6 Farther down the street the business section was quiet and many of the stores and offices were locked and boarded up, while their occupants were somewhere about the countryside with rifles in their hands.
7 Oh, if she'd only had the baby sooner, yesterday even, perhaps they could get an ambulance and take her away and hide her somewhere.
8 Rhett would take them away, somewhere.
9 She only knew she had left her tired body and floated somewhere above it where there was no pain and weariness and her brain saw things with an inhuman clarity.
10 She was seeing things with new eyes for, somewhere along the long road to Tara, she had left her girlhood behind her.
11 And somewhere the hills of Georgia were blue with Yankees, well-fed Yankees on sleek corn-stuffed horses.
12 The other two boys, Alex and Tony, were somewhere in Virginia and nobody knew whether they were alive or dead; and old Dr. Fontaine was off somewhere with Wheeler's cavalry.
13 Then, she knew that somewhere in the opaque gloom about her there was shelter, help, a haven of refuge and warmth.
14 There's only one way you can help me," she said dully, "and that's to take me away from here and give us a new start somewhere, with a chance for happiness.
15 There must be some way out, there must be someone somewhere who had money she could borrow.