STANDING in a Sentence

Learn STANDING from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

420 example sentences for STANDING, such as:

1. I saw him standing in the yard.
2. There is a quarterly standing charge.
3. Better die standing than live kneeling.
4. Not a building nor a tree was left standing.
5. Cats can clear two metres with a standing jump.

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 Meanings and Examples of STANDING
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  high reputation; esteem; maintaining an erect position
Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
1  That supposition was even more disturbing than the other; and it was the one which had come to him the night before, when he had seen her standing in the kitchen door.
Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In IV
2  Ethan was standing near the window, mechanically filling his pipe while he watched Mattie move to and fro.
Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In IX
3  When the twins left Scarlett standing on the porch of Tara and the last sound of flying hooves had died away, she went back to her chair like a sleepwalker.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II
4  His long white hair standing out behind him, he urged the horse forward with crop and loud cries.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II
5  "No, Pa, I'm no tattletale like Suellen," she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II
6  He tossed the reins of his horse to a small pickaninny standing near and started up the steps.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER II
7  She was a tall woman, standing a head higher than her fiery little husband, but she moved with such quiet grace in her swaying hoops that the height attracted no attention to itself.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
8  If they showed no aptitude for any of these trades, they became field hands and, in the opinion of the negroes, they had lost their claim to any social standing at all.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III
9  There was no family of any standing into which he could marry, no people with whom he could associate except the Slatterys and riffraff like them.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV
10  Mr. Calvert was standing close by the side of his Yankee wife, who even after fifteen years in Georgia never seemed to quite belong anywhere.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
11  As her eyes wandered from Melanie, she caught the gaze of Rhett Butler, who was not mixing with the crowd but standing apart talking to John Wilkes.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
12  "Run get your grandpa," hissed one of the old gentleman's daughters to a young girl standing near by.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI
13  Already the foundries were beginning to feel the lack of iron, for little or none came through the blockade, and the mines in Alabama were standing almost idle while the miners were at the front.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VIII
14  She sank her face into the pillow again and, after a whispered conference, the two standing over her tiptoed out.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
15  Not all the flowers of the town were standing in tribute to the leaders of the Confederacy.
Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitchell
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX
Example Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)
16  We have a standing invitation to visit them when we're in the area.
17  You have to pay standing charges whether or not you use the service.
18  Better die standing than live kneeling.
19  I saw him standing in the yard.
20  A group of young lads were standing outside the shop.
21  He was standing a bit apart from the rest of us, watching us.
22  Not a building nor a tree was left standing.
23  Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate.
24  Fire-brigades are standing by in case of an explosion.
25  There is a quarterly standing charge.
26  Cats can clear two metres with a standing jump.
27  A financial scandal would shake the Institute's standing in the international academic community.
28  He suddenly thought of the shop standing in the corner of the street.
29  Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.
30  She is standing for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.