1 They disputed fifteen successive days, and on the last of those fifteen days, they were as far advanced as on the first.
2 Jean Valjean's successive and obstinate attempts at escape would alone suffice to prove this strange working of the law upon the human soul.
Les Misérables 1 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VII—THE INTERIOR OF DESPAIR 3 Then he went out for eight successive days with his rosette.
Les Misérables 3 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER II—ONE OF THE RED SPECTRES OF THAT EPOCH 4 The phases of this change were numerous and successive.
Les Misérables 3 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER VI—THE CONSEQUENCES OF HAVING MET A WARDEN 5 Caesar and Tacitus are two successive phenomena, a meeting between whom seems to be mysteriously avoided, by the One who, when He sets the centuries on the stage, regulates the entrances and the exits.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 10: CHAPTER II—THE ROOT OF THE MATTER 6 The successive and simultaneous scenes of this grand slaughter we renounce all attempts at depicting.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XXI—THE HEROES 7 The officer who commanded the post of the Red Cross was sent for, and by successive inquiries they learned that Athos was then lodged in Fort l'Eveque.
The Three Musketeers By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In 15 MEN OF THE ROBE AND MEN OF THE SWORD 8 All these successive accidents were perhaps the result of chance; but they might be the fruits of a plot.
9 Having got there, he collected two successive loads of stone and dragged them down to the windmill before retiring for the night.
10 Disturbed by these different reflections; inclining now to one course and then to another, and again recoiling from all, as each successive consideration presented itself to her mind; Rose passed a sleepless and anxious night.
11 He had distinguished himself, and early gained the other step in rank, and must now, by successive captures, have made a handsome fortune.
12 For two successive years his mistress had seemed to take pleasure in lighting a bonfire on the bank overlooking the valley; but this year she had apparently quite forgotten the day and the customary deed.
Return of the Native By Thomas HardyContext Highlight In BOOK 5: 5 An Old Move Inadvertently Repeated 13 In the last century, however, four successive heirs were of a dissolute and wasteful disposition, and the family ruin was eventually completed by a gambler in the days of the Regency.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In VIII. THE ADVENTURE OF THE SPECKLED BAND 14 Four successive revolutions had built and cemented the pedestal upon which his fortune was based.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 48. Ideology. 15 Madame de Saint-Meran had three successive attacks, at intervals of some minutes, each one more serious than the former.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 73. The Promise.