1 "If there's going to be any trouble I want to be there," was his vague reflection, as he threw to Jotham the unexpected order to unhitch the team and lead them back to the barn.
2 A team of mules could not have dragged her away when she heard Melanie's voice.
3 Perhaps, if she paid off the team drivers and Hugh early, they would go home and leave her and Ashley alone in the square little office in the middle of the lumber yard.
4 Because of these delays she arrived at the lumber yard later than she intended and found Hugh and the team drivers sitting on a low pile of lumber waiting for her.
5 But we'll take a team, so we can get right out into the fields.
6 And here, except when I have the kids in gymnasium class, or when I'm chaperoning the basket-ball team on a trip out-of-town, I won't dare to move above a whisper.
7 He was going out to get his team to drive us home.
8 When the sun was dropping low, Antonia came up the big south draw with her team.
9 She clucked to her team and started for the barn.
10 I climbed up into the loft and threw down the hay for her, while she unharnessed her team.
11 With the money he bought another team of horses, which grandfather selected for him.
12 When Ole was cultivating his corn that summer, he used to get discouraged in the field, tie up his team, and wander off to wherever Lena Lingard was herding.
13 One night brother William came in and said that on his way back from the fields he had passed a livery team from town, driving fast out the west road.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContext Highlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: III 14 Without a word he rose and went down to the barn and hooked up his team.
My Antonia By Willa CatherContext Highlight In BOOK 4. The Pioneer Woman's Story: III 15 On my way East I broke my journey at Hastings, in Nebraska, and set off with an open buggy and a fairly good livery team to find the Cuzak farm.