1 It turned on the state of the roads and on the possible lateness of the Bettsbridge train.
2 But his cheek touched hers, and it was cold and full of weeping, and he saw the road to the Flats under the night and heard the whistle of the train up the line.
3 Not even at the terrible moment of parting, when he stopped by Tara on his way to the train, did she have a private talk.
4 Scarlett stood on the lower step of the train, a pale pretty figure in her black mourning dress, her crepe veil fluttering almost to her heels.
5 Put Phil on the train and send him up with them.
6 We'll take them off of him on the train going home.
7 Uncle Peter, muffled in a quilt, was bringing out the carriage to take Ashley to the train.
8 Atlanta had watched while train after train rolled through the town, hour after hour, passenger coaches, box cars, flat cars, filled with shouting men.
9 Melanie could hardly be dragged away from the telegraph office and she met every train hoping for letters.
10 It was an imposition on her and she knew that when the wounded came in on the noon train there would be enough work to keep her busy until night-fall--and probably without anything to eat.
11 The train bearing the wounded had already come in and the litter bearers were working swiftly in the hot sun, transferring wounded into ambulances and covered ordnance wagons.
12 The rumor arrived on the train from Milledgeville this morning.
13 Macon was their destination and many of those who took the train that night had already refugeed five and six times before, as Johnston fell back from Dalton.
14 Mrs. Meade was disobedient for the first time in her married life and flatly refused to yield to the doctor's command that she take the train to safety.
15 The train to Tara is the train to Macon and the same conditions prevail.