1 Nor, in truth, can any better opportunity for usurping a city or province present itself to an ambitious prince or commonwealth, than to be asked to send an army for its defence.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo MachiavelliContext Highlight In BOOK 2: CHAPTER XX. 2 Sire, the usurper is arming three ships, he meditates some project, which, however mad, is yet, perhaps, terrible.
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 10. The King's Closet at the Tuileries. 3 Really, my dear Gerard, you are but a child; you think yourself well informed because the telegraph has told you, three days after the landing, 'The usurper has landed at Cannes with several men.'
The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre DumasContext Highlight In Chapter 12. Father and Son. 4 "Yes," was all he said, but he turned and strained his eyes to see the island which a greater usurper than even Napoleon now made interesting in his sight.
5 And here be it said, that the Greenland whale is an usurper upon the throne of the seas.
6 There is here a sort of delicacy of the divine justice, hesitating to let loose upon the illustrious usurper the formidable historian, sparing Caesar Tacitus, and according extenuating circumstances to genius.
Les Misérables 4 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 10: CHAPTER II—THE ROOT OF THE MATTER 7 Another most powerful motive to conspire against a prince is the desire men feel to free their country from a usurper.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo MachiavelliContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER VI. 8 Her day was divided between us; no amusement usurped a minute: she neglected her meals, her studies, and her play; and she was the fondest nurse that ever watched.
9 The physical organization, its decay, the indestructibility of matter, the law of the conservation of energy, evolution, were the words which usurped the place of his old belief.
10 A white, dull light fell from a large window, with tiny panes, on the left, which usurped the whole width of the room.
Les Misérables 2 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 6: CHAPTER I—NUMBER 62 RUE PETIT-PICPUS 11 On the other hand, certain citizens of Thebes conspiring to become its tyrants, summoned a Spartan army to their assistance, and usurped the absolute control of the city.
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius By Niccolo MachiavelliContext Highlight In BOOK 3: CHAPTER VI. 12 This usurpation, it is well known, he afterwards effected.
13 Be it so," said the King; "but for thine own sake tax me not with usurpation now.
14 From even the barely hinted imputation of usurpation, and the possible consequences of such a suppressed impression gaining ground, Ahab must of course have been most anxious to protect himself.
15 ; and that which they wished to overturn in overturning royalty in France, was, as we have explained, the usurpation of man over man, and of privilege over right in the entire universe.
Les Misérables 5 By Victor HugoContext Highlight In BOOK 1: CHAPTER XX—THE DEAD ARE IN THE RIGHT AND THE LIVING ARE N...