1 The night was so wet that no one was about, so Charpentier dragged the body of his victim into the empty house.
A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan DoyleContext Highlight In PART I: CHAPTER VI. TOBIAS GREGSON SHOWS WHAT HE CAN DO 2 Building had to stop because it was now too wet to mix the cement.
3 Every year they said, would it be wet or fine; and every year it was--one or the other.
4 Isa heard the first chime; and the second; and the third--If it was wet, it would be in the Barn; if it was fine on the terrace.
5 And the actors, while she paced, taking all responsibility and plumping for fine, not wet, dressed among the brambles.
6 Get ye to Gretna Green; couch on the wet grass and breed vipers.
7 It was a fine, clear, January day, wet under foot where the frost had melted, but cloudless overhead; and the Regent's Park was full of winter chirrupings and sweet with spring odours.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By Robert Louis StevensonContext Highlight In CHAPTER HENRY JEKYLL'S FULL STATEMENT OF THE CASE 8 It was a wet night, and many groups of young women passed him, with their shawls drawn over their bare heads and held close under their chins to keep the rain out.
9 Stephen came out of the hot mill into the damp wind and cold wet streets, haggard and worn.
10 Heedless of the smoke and mud and wet, and of her two long journeys, she was gazing at it, as if the heavy thrum that issued from its many stories were proud music to her.
11 She thought he was chilled with the wet.
12 Their wearisome heads went up and down at the same rate, in hot weather and cold, wet weather and dry, fair weather and foul.
13 Though her teeth chattered in her head from wet and cold, Mrs. Sparsit exulted hugely.
14 Curtal Priest," said the Captain, "thou hast been at a wet mass this morning, as early as it is.
15 When the rock and refuse of the underworld had burned and given off its sulphur, it turned bright pink, shrimp-coloured on dry days, darker, crab-coloured on wet.