Describe A Piece Of Equipment That Is Important In Your Home

IELTS speaking questions and sample answers for 'Describe A Piece Of Equipment That Is Important In Your Home', include part 2 cue cards and part 3 follow-up questions. You can also practice these questions and answers by merging them into a full-size speaking mock test.

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Part 2
There are many tools or equipment in my house, and I use them for different ...(Available for VIP only.)

What you use it for?
The tool I would like to talk about today is the vacuum cleaner that I use to ...(Available for VIP only.)

how often you use it
I clean my house 1-2 times weekly, mainly on days off. Cleaning the whole ...(Available for VIP only.)
Furniture is very time-consuming and challenging. The vacuum cleaner makes it easy, especially cleaning the dust on the carpet. The machine or e
How you got it (or who bought it)
Before purchasing the vacuum cleaner, it was a tiresome and challenging task ...(Available for VIP only.)

And explain why you think this thing is useful.
The vacuum cleaner is an important tool for me as it does an important task in ...(Available for VIP only.)

Because of the vacuum cleaner, everyone takes turns to clean the house, and ...(Available for VIP only.)

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