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v. Syn. frustrate; perplex
(перегородки) frustrate as by confusing or perplexing; impede force or movement of

Spelling Word: baffle
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(Конфигурация) arrangement of parts or elements; outline

Spelling Word: configuration
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n. Syn. Agreement; accord
(консенсуса) general agreement or accord; opinion reached by a group as a whole

Spelling Word: consensus
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a. Syn. noticeable; prominent
(заметными) noticeable; prominent; easy to notice; obvious

Spelling Word: conspicuous
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n. Syn. dress; attire
(костюм) dress; attire; aset of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion or season

Spelling Word: costume
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(любезно) polite behavior; act of civility or respect; consent or agreement in spite of fact

Spelling Word: courtesy
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(совокупный) increasing by successive addition

Spelling Word: cumulative
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a. Syn. eatable
(пищевые) eatable; substance that can be used as food

Spelling Word: edible
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v. Syn. grant; award
(придать) grant; award; give qualities or abilities to

Spelling Word: endow
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v. Syn. bring out; arouse
(вызывают) bring out; arouse; call forth

Spelling Word: evoke