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/meɪn'teɪn/ v. Syn. support; sustain
(維持) keep in any particular state or condition; keep up or carry on; continue

Spelling Word: maintain
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/mə'nɪpjʊleɪt/ v. Syn. maneuver; control
(賃貸) operate with one's hands; control or play upon people, forces artfully

Spelling Word: manipulate
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/'mɒdɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. alter; change
(変更) alter; change

Spelling Word: modify
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/'moʊtɪv/ n. Syn. intention; purpose
(動機) emotion, desire, physiological need; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior

Spelling Word: motive
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/'noʊʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. idea; conception
(概念) general or universal conception; belief or opinion

Spelling Word: notion
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/oʊvər'ɔ:l/ a. Syn. general; comprehensive
(全体) general; comprehensive; from one end to the other; including everything

Spelling Word: overall
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/'pærədaɪm/ n. Syn. model; example; pattern
(パラダイム) one that serves as a pattern or model; system of assumptions, concepts, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality

Spelling Word: paradigm
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/pə'sɛnt/ n.
(パーセント) out of each hundred; per hundred; one part in a hundred

Spelling Word: percent
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/fɪ'lɒsəfɪ/ n.
(哲学) body of highest truth; investigation of nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning

Spelling Word: philosophy
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/'praɪmərɪ/ a. Syn. principal; prime; fundamental
(次) of first rank or importance or value; essential or basic

Spelling Word: primary