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/ʃɪ'keɪnərɪ/ n. Syn. trickery; deception
(强辩,狡辩,欺骗) mean or unfair artifice to obscure truth; deception by trickery or sophistry

Spelling Word: chicanery
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/klæn'dɛstɪn/ a. Syn. secret
(秘密) secret; conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods

Spelling Word: clandestine
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/koʊə'lɛs/ v. Syn. combine; fuse; mix
(接合,结合,合并) combine; fuse; grow together; come together so as to form one whole; unite

Spelling Word: coalesce
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/koʊ'ɛrfɛn/ n.
(威逼,强迫) use of force to get someone to obey

Spelling Word: coercion
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/'koʊdʒənt/ a. Syn. convincing
(有说服力的) reasonable and convincing; based on evidence; forcefully persuasive

Spelling Word: cogent
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/kə'lu:ʒ(ə)n/ n.
(勾结) secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy

Spelling Word: collusion
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/kən'tɛmptjʊəs/ a. Syn. scornful
(轻蔑的,傲慢的) scornful; expressing contempt; showing a lack of respect

Spelling Word: contemptuous
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/'kaʊntɪnəns/ v. Syn. approve; tolerate
(忍受,接受) give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve

Spelling Word: countenance
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/'kɜrsərɪ/ a. Syn. casual
(草率,匆忙) casual; brief or broad; not cautious, nor detailed

Spelling Word: cursory
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/kɜrt/ a.
(简略的,草率的,粗鲁的,三言两语的) having been shortened; effectively cut short; rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner

Spelling Word: curt