1 Bring them bits of timber, Barney.
2 'Dobody but Biss Dadsy,' replied Barney.
3 'Barkers for me, Barney,' said Toby Crackit.
4 I'll pound it, that Barney's managing properly.
5 'Wud of Bister Fagid's lads,' exclaimed Barney, with a grin.
6 'Here they are,' replied Barney, producing a pair of pistols.
7 He's all right enough, Barney is, else I should have heard of him.
8 'She's bid havid a plate of boiled beef id the bar,' replied Barney.
9 Barney, having made all fast, rolled himself up as before, and was soon asleep again.
10 'Dot a shoul,' replied Barney; whose words: whether they came from the heart or not: made their way through the nose.
11 Oliver retained his stool by the fire; Barney wrapped in a blanket, stretched himself on the floor: close outside the fender.
12 They slept, or appeared to sleep, for some time; nobody stirring but Barney, who rose once or twice to throw coals on the fire.
13 With these words, he took a thick stick from Barney's hands, who, having delivered another to Toby, busied himself in fastening on Oliver's cape.
14 Sikes and his companion enveloped their necks and chins in large dark shawls, and drew on their great-coats; Barney, opening a cupboard, brought forth several articles, which he hastily crammed into the pockets.
15 Barney complied by ushering them into a small back-room, and setting the required viands before them; having done which, he informed the travellers that they could be lodged that night, and left the amiable couple to their refreshment.
16 Frightened by the menacing gestures of the two men, Oliver hastily swallowed the contents of the glass, and immediately fell into a violent fit of coughing: which delighted Toby Crackit and Barney, and even drew a smile from the surly Mr. Sikes.
17 Barney looked timidly at Fagin, as if for permission; the Jew remaining silent, and not lifting his eyes from the ground, he retired; and presently returned, ushering in Nancy; who was decorated with the bonnet, apron, basket, and street-door key, complete.
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