1 Oliver clasped his hands, and sank feebly backward.
2 He held out his hand, which Nancy clasped tight in hers.
3 'Clasp your arm tighter,' said Sikes, as he drew him through the window.
4 He clasped his hands together, and involuntarily uttered a subdued exclamation of horror.
5 Indeed, indeed, it was two other boys, said Oliver, clasping his hands passionately, and looking round.
6 The man struggled violently, to release his arms; but those of the girl were clasped round his, and tear her as he would, he could not tear them away.
7 With this consolation, Mr. Sikes appeared to repress a rising tendency to jealousy, and, clasping Oliver's wrist more firmly, told him to step out again.
8 Running on thus, and now holding Oliver from her to mark how he had grown, now clasping him to her and passing her fingers fondly through his hair, the good soul laughed and wept upon his neck by turns.
9 At no great distance from whom, was seated another old gentleman, in nankeen breeches and gaiters; who did not look particularly benevolent, and who was sitting with his hands clasped on the top of a thick stick, and his chin propped thereupon.
10 Thus attired, he gave his hand to the robber, who, merely pausing to show him with a menacing gesture that he had that same pistol in a side-pocket of his great-coat, clasped it firmly in his, and, exchanging a farewell with Nancy, led him away.