1 "Certainly not, fool," answered Cedric.
2 My fool's cap was a casque, and my bauble a truncheon.
3 Assuredly," said Wamba, "fool as I am, I shall not do your fool's errand.
4 Had you taken a fool's advice formerly, you would not have been here at all.
5 Well, we shall see what good they will make by exchanging a fool for a wise man.
6 A hopeful auxiliary," said Fitzurse impatiently; "playing the fool in the very moment of utter necessity.
7 Gurth," said the Jester, "I know thou thinkest me a fool, or thou wouldst not be so rash in putting thy head into my mouth.
8 I see," said Wamba, after a short pause, "that the fool must be still the fool, and put his neck in the venture which wise men shrink from.
9 Friend Wamba," said he, "of all those who are fools enough to serve Cedric, thou alone hast dexterity enough to make thy folly acceptable to him.
10 I am not romantic fool enough to further the fortune, or avert the fate, of one who is likely to be a successful obstacle between me and my wishes.
11 Sir Knight of the Fetterlock, since it is your pleasure so to be distinguished," said Ivanhoe, "I fear me you have chosen a talkative and a troublesome fool to be your guide.
12 You must know, my dear cousins and countrymen, that I wore russet before I wore motley, and was bred to be a friar, until a brain-fever came upon me and left me just wit enough to be a fool.
13 You are called wise men, sirs," said the Jester, "and I a crazed fool; but, uncle Cedric, and cousin Athelstane, the fool shall decide this controversy for ye, and save ye the trouble of straining courtesies any farther.
14 Had it not been for the accursed interference of yon fanatical dotard, and the fool of Goodalricke, who, being a Templar, affects to think and judge according to the ordinary rules of humanity, the office of the Champion Defender had devolved, not on a Preceptor, but on a Companion of the Order.