1 Grandmother nodded consolingly.
2 Grandmother looked about in perplexity.
3 Grandmother motioned me to the dining-room.
4 Grandmother looked up in alarm and spoke to grandfather.
5 Grandmother said it reminded her of the Tree of Knowledge.
6 Grandmother chuckled and drove her bright needle across a hole in Otto's sock.
7 Grandmother paid no heed to her, but called Antonia to come and help empty the basket.
8 Grandmother took me into the ice-cold storeroom, where she had some bolts of gingham and sheeting.
9 Grandmother broke in excitedly: 'See here, Jake Marpole, don't you go trying to add murder to suicide.'
10 Grandmother swung the bag of potatoes over her shoulder and went down the path, leaning forward a little.
11 Grandmother called my attention to a stout hickory cane, tipped with copper, which hung by a leather thong from her belt.
12 Grandmother hunted up her fancy cake-cutters and baked gingerbread men and roosters, which we decorated with burnt sugar and red cinnamon drops.
13 Grandmother told him she was sure the Lord had remembered these things to his credit, and had helped him out of many a scrape when he didn't realize that he was being protected by Providence.
14 Grandmother had told me while she was getting supper that he was an Austrian who came to this country a young boy and had led an adventurous life in the Far West among mining-camps and cow outfits.
15 Grandmother went on talking in her polite Virginia way, not admitting their stark need or her own remissness, until Jake arrived with the hamper, as if in direct answer to Mrs. Shimerda's reproaches.
16 Grandmother murmured something in embarrassment, but the Bohemian woman laughed scornfully, a kind of whinny-laugh, and, catching up an empty coffee-pot from the shelf, shook it at us with a look positively vindictive.
17 Grandmother insisted on his drinking a glass of Virginia apple-brandy after his long walk in the cold, and when a faint flush came up in his cheeks, his features might have been cut out of a shell, they were so transparent.
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