1 Her brown hair was curly and wild-looking.
2 When I nodded, she pulled my hair and told me I knew too much, anyhow.
3 I seen bunches of hair and stuff sticking to the poles and straw along the roof.
4 When he was a young man his hair and beard were red; his eyebrows were still coppery.
5 He wore no hat, and his thick, iron-grey hair was brushed straight back from his forehead.
6 He untied the handkerchief, separated her hair with his fingers, and stood looking down at the green insect.
7 He stood brushing his hand over his smooth grey hair, as if he were trying to clear away a fog about his head.
8 Her father put his hand on her hair, but she caught his wrist and lifted it carefully away, talking to him rapidly.
9 Sally was a wild thing, with sunburned yellow hair, bobbed about her ears, and a brown skin, for she never wore a hat.
10 A tall woman, with wrinkled brown skin and black hair, stood looking down at me; I knew that she must be my grandmother.
11 We stood there in friendly silence, while the feeble minstrel sheltered in Antonia's hair went on with its scratchy chirp.
12 I can still see those two men sitting on the bench; Otto's close-clipped head and Jake's shaggy hair slicked flat in front by a wet comb.
13 Grandmother made her wear a sunbonnet, but as soon as we reached the garden she threw it on the grass and let her hair fly in the breeze.
14 At a distance, on his wagon, he looked like an old man; his hair and beard were of such a pale flaxen colour that they seemed white in the sun.
15 She had beautiful chestnut hair, coils of it; her forehead was low and smooth, and her commanding dark eyes regarded the world indifferently and fearlessly.
16 The next Sunday Lena appeared at church, a little late, with her hair done up neatly on her head, like a young woman, wearing shoes and stockings, and the new dress, which she had made over for herself very becomingly.
17 Her yellow hair was burned to a ruddy thatch on her head; but her legs and arms, curiously enough, in spite of constant exposure to the sun, kept a miraculous whiteness which somehow made her seem more undressed than other girls who went scantily clad.
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